Web Portfolio
I developed my first universal WordPress plugin. It creates a directory and listings with a dynamic search.
Facebook Social Media
State Vector Images
For this project, I was challenged with a fellow employee to make header images for a companies state pages. First, we split up the project load in half. Then we selected unique Shutterstock images for the state that would have a unique concept or familiarity for each state. After choosing and cropping the images we changed the hue closest the companies branding blue color. That was intended to better distinguish the color palette limit of 4 shades of blue. The most time-consuming part was tracing each separate shade of blue in illustrator creating the image composition. Finally, we traced the state and put the logo in the center of the red stars.
I started in graphic design, but had more of a love for web and video, so I changed my major to web and interactive media.
I started at A Better Today Recovery services as a social media creator and graphic Designer.
There was a push for development in WordPress sites. I was in charge of setting the branding and content creation.
Today I’ve began more a programming role with javascript and php. I learn something every day and have some great mentors.